Pain is meant to be a good thing. It’s your body saying to your brain, “Something’s wrong.” Once the source of the pain goes away — say an injury heals — the pain goes away. Usually.

When you have chronic pain, the pain continues long after your injury has healed, and it doesn’t let up. Dr. Behnam Khaleghi at the Pacific Rheumatology Center in Orange and Laguna Hills, CA understands chronic pain. He helps his patients manage their symptoms and find much-needed relief through various approaches — including the Myers’ Cocktail — and can do the same for you.

Understanding your chronic pain

When you get hurt, whether it’s a paper cut or a broken leg, the pain sensors in the area send electric signals through your nervous system to alert your brain of the injury, and you feel pain. If those electrical signals keep firing even after the pain’s source is gone, that’s called chronic pain, and it’s difficult to treat.

Although chronic pain often begins with an injury, it can also be triggered by a medical condition, or even by unknown reasons. Some of the most common sources of chronic pain come from:

  • Surgery or injury
  • Arthritis
  • Migraines
  • Spinal/back problems
  • Nerve damage
  • Infection
  • Fibromyalgia

Can anything stop my chronic pain?

Chronic pain varies from person to person. From dull achiness and throbbing; to stiff, sore muscles; to intense shooting sensations, chronic pain ranges in severity and frequency. It can affect your sleep, moods, energy level, and appetite, so it’s important to address it before it challenges your entire life.

Traditionally, medications, physical therapy, lifestyle adjustments (such as quitting smoking), and even acupuncture have helped some people overcome, or at least manage, their chronic pain.

However, today, one of the most popular treatments among chronic pain sufferers is the Myers’ Cocktail, a specialized blend of intravenous vitamins and minerals.

How the Myers’ Cocktail treats your chronic pain

Formulated in the 1960s by Dr. John Myers, the Myers’ Cocktail has become the go-to treatment for not only chronic pain, but for short-term pain and illness as well.

When your body is fighting an illness or restoring itself after an injury, certain vitamins and minerals are essential to the process. Many chronic pain sufferers find that if they flood their system with these vital nutrients, their pain subsides.

What’s in the Myers’ Cocktail?

While the exact doses and concentration of the Myers’ Cocktail may vary from patient to patient and doctor to doctor, the mix always contains following essential ingredients.


Magnesium is a biological powerhouse. It helps your DNA replicate itself, regulates your heartbeat, strengthens your bones, optimizes nerve function, maintains healthy muscle mass, and assists about 300 more vital bodily processes.


You probably know that calcium is essential for strong bones, but it’s also responsible for proper blood clotting, nerve function, and muscle contractions.

Vitamin B12 and B Complex

In addition to promoting red blood cell growth, good eyesight, proper digestion, and several other important functions, the B vitamins help boost your metabolism and give you energy to fight fatigue, which plagues many who suffer from chronic pain.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C supports your immune system cells and serves as an antioxidant to help fight inflammation, a primary culprit behind chronic pain.

You might be thinking that those are common vitamins you already have in your medicine cabinet, and you’re right. But the difference is in the delivery system.

The Myers’ Cocktail is an IV solution that goes straight into your bloodstream. No oral or injectable dose can match the high concentration levels of this treatment. And it bypasses the digestive system, going straight to where it does the most good without delay and without waste.

What to expect when you receive the Myers’ Cocktail

During your treatment, you sit comfortably in a chair while the IV drips into a vein in your arm. You may feel a little discomfort at the IV site, but it’s minor and goes away quickly. The session lasts about one hour and has no known side effects. Many people report increased energy immediately following their Myer’s Cocktail infusion and reduced pain after two or three treatments.

If you’re suffering from chronic pain and are ready to kick it to the curb so you can get back to your normal life, give the Myer’s Cocktail a try. Call our office today at 714-861-3119 (Orange) or 714-861-3125 (Laguna Hills) or schedule an appointment online.

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